2013年6月29日 星期六

馬爾地夫安納塔拉克哈瓦島(Anantara Kihavah Maldives)餐廳 Restaurants

"Sea Fire Salt Sky"

關於 Anantara 所有餐廳,需要知道的第一件事,就是他們全部都超!級!貴!每道主菜的價位大概都在 $30-40 美金,所以如果加上水費或是飲料錢,很容易一餐就超過 50 美金了。避免被餐廳用水費搶錢的小撇步,就是在服務生問 "still or sparkling?" 的時候回答 "Kihavah Water"。這是他們島上自己生產的飲用水,不止相對比較環保(不用大老遠運瓶裝水過來),而且也是免費的!

The first thing to say about all the restaurants in Anantara Kihavah is that they are all VERY EXPENSIVE. All the entrees are at least priced around $30-40, so a meal can easily exceed $50 each if you order drinks or water. A small tip is to ask for “Kihavah Water” when the waitor is asking for beverage choice. It is their local water, which is free but just as good.

Plates 餐廳就是整間 Anantara 的主餐廳,也是一般客人用早餐、午餐的地方。自助餐的選擇非常非常多樣,從亞洲、西式、馬爾地夫當地料理都有供應。最棒的亮點就是會提供現榨的果汁喔!不過比較可惜的地方,也是在餐點的變化上。因為幾乎每天的東西都差不多,其實大概三四天之後就吃膩了。餐廳的服務完美的無可挑剔,我一定要在這裡推薦那裡的服務生 Mechelle,她無論什麼時候,都帶著超級甜美的笑容,而且也非常關注所有客人的狀況和需求,有任何需要也都會很快達成。她真的是在所有工作人員裡面,我最喜歡的一位了!

Plates - This is the main restaurant in which I had breakfast and lunch. They had a really wide selection, providing all kinds of food (Western, Asian, & local Maldivian cuisines). They had a great freshly squeezed juice selection as well. Although it did lack change between each day though, eventually I lost interest in most of the food after a few days because I’ve already tried them all. The service in this restaurant is perfect. I especially love the waitress Mechelle. She was always present with a big smile and taking care of whatever I want. She was definitely my favorite staff in the resort.

"Healthy Bar"

起司 Cheese

各式茶葉 tea selection

各式麵包 pastries & bread selection

各式果醬 jams

景觀 view

現榨果汁 fresh juice

現切水果 fresh fruits

Manzaru 餐廳白天是泳池酒吧,到了晚上才會搖身一變成為一間義式餐廳。這間餐廳最大的賣點就是超級完美的泳池景觀和海景。而且到了晚上,泳池底部還會有許多小小的LED燈,看起來就好像水底也有一片星空一樣。食物相較之下就顯得遜色許多,我點了當地的魚排和一盤義大利肉丸麵,吃起來口味真的普通而已。

Manzaru - This restaurant is a pool bar during the day, but transforms ito a Italian restaurant at night. It offers a stunning view of the pool and the beach. The pool lights up at night so it’s also a very beautiful view. The food was only OK at best. I ordered spaghetti with meatballs and it was really normal.


開胃菜 appetizer

麵包 bread

Salt 是這裡的亞洲餐廳,大概也是全飯店最讓人失望的一間餐廳了吧。食物口味只能用普通來形容,完全沒有特色。但是價位相對來說,大概也是所有餐廳裡面最平易近人的就是了。

Salt - This asian restaurant is really the most dissapointing restaurant in Anantara Kihavah. The food was really mediocre. But to be fair, they are more reasonably priced compared to other restaurants.

Fire 餐廳供應日式料理和鐵板燒,也是所有餐廳裡面食物最好、最美味的一間。我在這裡點了鮭魚的鐵板燒,真的非~常~完美!不僅食物味道極佳,而且主廚還會非常多的鐵板燒特技,在這裡吃飯會有種一邊吃飯一邊看秀的感覺,相當物超所值。

餐廳有供應大約每人 100 美金的套餐,但真的沒有什麼必要點套餐就是了。因為所有單點的項目(最便宜的大約 30 美金左右),也都會提供味噌湯和炒飯,所以分量也是已經相當足夠,沒有必要去多花冤枉錢。

Fire - This is the Japanese and teppanyaki restaurant. I had the best food of my stay here. LOVE the salmon I ordered, very tasty and the chef knew a lot of fancy tricks so it’s also a good show to watch him cook.

They do offer a set meal for about $100 each, but there’s really no need to order the set meal, because the a la carte orders (the cheapest one was around $30 if I remember correctly) also comes with miso soup and fried rice, which is good enough already.

開胃菜 appetizer

主廚 chef

味噌湯 miso soup

鮭魚 salmon

炒飯 fried rice

巧克力甜點 chocolates

glass floor in the restroom

"Sea Fire Salt Sky"

Sea 是 Anantara Kihavah 的招牌海底餐廳,也確實是名符其實,在這裡用餐絕對會是一個前所未有的體驗。但當然價格上也會是前所未有的貴就是了,午餐套餐大約是每人 $180 美金。晚餐大約 $250 美金。我會比較推薦在午餐時間前往,因為白天比較看得到外面,而且價格也便宜許多。午餐供應的是四道菜的龍蝦套餐,口味也是相當不錯,還有免費的白酒可以搭配享用。雖然說我還是覺得花費 180 美金有點太貴,但確實是值得去體驗一次看看。可以在這裡看到各種不同的魚類和珊瑚,是很不錯的一次經驗。餐廳也會提供一本圖鑑,讓你可以知道自己看到的魚是哪一個品種。

Sea - This is the signature underwater restaurant in Anantara Kihavah, it is truly a stunning place and an amazing place to dine, but is also very very pricy. A set meal at lunch is priced at around $180, and dinner at around $250. I’d recommend going for lunch because the view is better during lunch, and it’s also much cheaper. They offered a four-course lobster set meal, which was also very good, and came with free pre-selected wine. $180 is still over-priced in my opinion, but worth going once for the experience. I had a great time watching all the different kinds of fish swimming around (they even provide a fish catalogue so you can check out all the names of all those kinds of fish around you).

餐廳入口 restaurant entrance

麵包 bread

前菜 appetizer

龍蝦春捲 lobster spring rolls

龍蝦湯 lobster soup

主菜 main course

碳烤龍蝦 grilled lobster

甜點 dessert

chocolate brownie and fruit tart

