2014年7月12日 星期六

華盛頓特區使館區費爾法克斯(The Fairfax at Embassy Row, Washington, D. C.)Superior Room

旅館:華盛頓特區使館區費爾法克斯(The Fairfax at Embassy Row, Washington, D. C.)
地址:2100 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008
交通方式:搭乘 Metro 至 Dupont Circle 後步行前往

入住房型:Superior Room
網路:付費有線/無線上網 Internet access for a fee

飯店外觀 Hotel exterior

喜達屋的豪華精選(The Luxury Collection)大多是一些比較有特殊歷史跟風格的飯店為主,位於華盛頓特區使館區的費爾法克斯(The Fairfax)也不例外。一走進飯店就可以感受到飯店的歷史,整體裝潢也帶有典雅的奢華風格。另外飯店的地點位於華盛頓風景優美的使館區,也替飯店的氣氛加分了不少。

Starwood's "The Luxury Collection" brand usually includes properties with their own unique style or history, and The Fairfax at Embassy Row is of course no exception. Walking in to the hotel, you can immediately get a sense of its history, and the interior of the hotel also has a more elegant and luxurious style. Its location at the Embassy Row also contributed to the general atmosphere, as it is surrounded by man gorgeous buildings.

飯店大廳 Hotel lobby


After my stay at the Westin, the difference between these two brands were quite obvious. The staffs at the front desk were much more professional. Not only were they kind and friendly, they would also proactively ask about your plans in D. C. and offer suggestions on transportation and restaurants. These gestures really made me feel that they were genuinely happy to help. It was surely the best service I have received in the U. S. by far, and certainly on par with service in most hotels in Asia.

Map and restaurant recommendations

梯廳 Elevator hall

梯廳 Elevator Hall

走廊 Corridor

403號房 Room 403

403號房 Room 403

可惜在硬體上,飯店就失分不少。這次入住最基本的房型 Superior Room,並沒有被升等。房間面積偏小,除了床和一張辦公椅外之外,並沒有額外的座位。另外房內的空調聲音非常大聲,本來以為是房間位置不好,剛好位於空調主機附近所以特別吵。沒想到在詢問飯店之後,才知道每間房間都有這樣的配置。雖然聲音可以用電視蓋過,但對於晚上睡覺需要安靜的人來說,是否可以入住就需要再三思了。

The hard product, on the other hand, is where the hotel fell behind. I did not receive an upgrade and was assigned to a "Superior Room," which is the standard room. The room was quite small, and did not offer extra seating besides the bed and the chair at the work desk. The A/C unit in the room was also quite loud. Originally I though it was just that the room was poorly situated (close to the main unit or something), but after asking the hotel, I was told that every room is like this (they all have their own A/C unit installed in the room). Although it was fine when I had the TV on, this could be quite disturbing for those who need to be extra quite while sleeping, and I'd suggest giving it an extra thought before choosing this hotel if you're that type of person.

臥室 Bedroom

書桌 Desk

書桌 Desk

茶與咖啡 Tea and Coffee

電視 Television

電視 Television

冰桶 Ice bucket

咖啡機 Coffee Machine

費爾法克斯另一項優點就是床非常舒服,除了使用「豪華精選」睡床之外,也選用 Fili D'oro 床組,舒適度絕對破表。

The Fairfax also had an spectacular bed, in addition to the usual "Luxury Collection" bed, they also added Fili D'oro bedding and the comfort was simply amazing.

床 Bed

床 Bed

窗簾 Curtain

景觀 View

但我最喜歡的其實是飯店的地點,飯店位於使館區,算是非常舒服安靜的地方,不過距離華盛頓的鬧區 Dupont Circle 其實也只有五分鐘左右的步行距離,要做什麼都非常方便。

What I loved most about this hotel, though, is its location. The Embassy Row is a beautiful and serene neighborhood, but it is also only a five-minute walk away from Dupont Circle, making it very convenient to get to everything.

景觀 View

景觀 View

浴室 Bathroom

浴室雖然沒有浴缸,但是在使用上的感覺也相當不錯。淋浴間設備簡單不過相當寬敞,選用瑞吉慣用的 Remede 備品也充分顯示飯店的誠意。

Although the bathroom did not have a bathtub, I was thoroughly satisfied with it. The shower was very simple but quite spacious. The fact that they offered Remede amenities, which was the standard brand at St. Regis hotels, also showed the amount of care they have put into this property.

洗手臺 Sink

洗手台 Sink

毛巾 Towels

馬桶 Toilet

淋浴間 Shower room

備品 Amenities

衣櫃 Closet


Another highlight during my stay was surely the turn down service. I absolutely loved that they would place a small card informing guests the following day's weather. It was a very thoughtful gesture and showed how much effort they have put into the service.

床頭桌 Bedside table

