2013年11月15日 星期五

曼谷 W 飯店(W Hotel Bangkok)Studio Suite

旅館:曼谷 W 飯店(W Hotel Bangkok)
地址:106 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand
交通方式:搭乘 BTS 至 Chong Nonsi 站,出站後步行五分鐘內抵達。

入住房型:Studio Suite
網路:付費有線/無線上網 Internet access with a charge

這次在曼谷選擇入住才剛開幕沒多久的 W 飯店。雖然說才開幕不久,這次入住的感覺卻是非常的好!我大約五點左右抵達飯店,櫃台的人員立刻接過行李,幫我準備 check-in。確定身份跟房型之後,也立刻通知我因為今天非吸煙樓層已經客滿,只能把我安排在吸煙樓層,但他們已經事先確認和處理過,保證房內沒有煙味。為了表示歉意,還馬上送上一張 Woobar 的飲料兌換券。面對這樣的狀況,處理的方式非常到位也非常專業,讓人相當欣賞。

I chose to stay at the W Hotel for my overnight in Bangkok. Even though it was a really new hotel, my experience with the hotel was very good. I got to the hotel at around 5pm, and the staff immediately took my luggage and started checking me in. After confirming my name and room type, she told me that all the non-smoking floors were full that day, so they had to put me on a smoking floor. She was very apologetic and said they already made sure there's no smell in the room. As a gesture of apology, she offered me a drink voucher for Woobar. I thought the situation was handled very professionally and efficiently. Well done!

飯店大門 Hotel entrance

大廳座位區 Lobby seating

櫃檯 reception

decorations in the elevator hall made by "tuk-tuk" headlights

走廊 Hallway

而 W 的房間也沒有讓我失望,這次入住的 Studio Suite 雖然沒有獨立的客廳,其實不算是一個完整的套房,但是客房空間很大,也有很大的沙發和躺椅,使用上是綽綽有餘的。另外著名的 W 睡床也真的非常好睡。我必須說這是我至今睡過最舒服的一張床了,讓人好想立刻買一張回家啊!

The room in the W did not disappoint. Although there's no separated living room in the Studio Suite (so it's not technically a "suite"), the size of the room was still quite large, with sufficient seating (sofa and lounge chair), so there's definitely enough room. The W signature bed was also perfect, it was probably one of the best beds I've ever slept in. I almost ordered one right on site!

衣櫃 closet

保險箱 safety deposit box

W睡床 W Bed

辦公桌 desk

Power outlets and internet cable

文具 Stationary

Bottled water and welcome amenity (chocolates)

沙發 sofa

電視(右側為 mini bar)
television and mini bar on the side

Snacks (NOT FREE)

Liquor (NOT FREE)

Bottled water, tea, and coffee (complimentary)

躺椅 Lounge chair

Bed after turn-down service

我自己認為,Studio Suite 最大的賣點就是房間的 view,如果位於高樓層,看出去的景觀真的非常好。房內的辦公桌也是面對窗戶,所以可以一邊工作,一邊欣賞曼谷的市區景觀。另外整間房間的燈光都是用一個平板電腦控制,使用上也就非常方便,不用特地去找開關。

Personally, I think the nicest feature of the Studio Suite is its view. If the room is on one of the higher floors, the views are magnificent. The desk in my room was facing the window, and I really enjoyed working while watching the buildings in Bangkok. One other feature worth mentioning was all the lighting in the room was controlled by one tablet, so there's no need to search for switches to turn on/off the lights.

另外 Studio Suite 最讓人滿意的地方,莫過於它的浴室了。對於這個浴室我可是讚不絕口,每一個細節都讓人滿意。浴室空間非常寬敞,而且浴缸直接擺在落地窗旁,也可以一邊泡澡一邊欣賞市區夜景。備品按照慣例使用 Bliss 的產品,只要入住套房,份量都給得非常大方,每罐都有 120 ml,是我至今看過備品份量最豪邁的飯店了。另外雙人的長形洗手台,使用上也非常方便,空間非常足夠。我也很喜歡他們把廁所擺在浴室另外一邊的設計。不過整個浴室除了廁所之外都沒有門,所以可能不適合家庭或是朋友、旅行團等等入住,使用上應該會有點尷尬。

What I LOVE most about the Studio Suite was its bathroom. I only have good words for this bathroom design, every detail of it is perfect. Not only was it very spacious, the bathtub was also placed right next to the windows, so guests could also enjoy the view while taking a bath. As usual, the amenities were Bliss branded, and they had full size bottles (120 ml) in suites, which were the largest I've ever had in any hotel. I also loved the design of the sink, it's a extra long version design for two, and was extremely convenient to use. The toilet was placed on the other end of the bathroom, which I thought was a smart design. One point of concern was that the entire bathroom (except for the toilet) lacked doors, so this might not be so suitable for families, friends, or group travel.

Entrance to the bathroom

廁所 toilet

浴室 bathroom

洗手台 sink

they also had a large mirror

備品 amenities

Shower area and bathtub

W 飯店的公共空間,也延續一貫的都會時尚風格,晚上飯店一樓的 Woobar 就和真的夜店一樣,也真的有不少當地的年輕人來這裡聚會。

The public areas of the hotel had a urban trendy design, which is the norm of W hotels. The Woobar one the first floor was just like an actual bar at night, with many local youngsters coming to hang out.

Hotel exterior at night



They had a fully-equipped gym on the sixth floor, but I did not see many people using it during my stay. There's also an outdoor pool on the sixth floor, but its awkward design was not so practical in my opinion (and I did not see anyone actually swimming there as well).

entrance to the gym

健身房 gym

游泳池 pool

隔天的早餐是在 the Kitchen Table 餐廳,選擇非常非常豐富,各樣的餐點都非常多,不論是沙拉、水果、麵包、優格、果汁、牛奶、熱食、湯品都有非常多的種類可以選擇,算是我看過數一數二豐富的早餐了。實際的口味也非常不錯,沒有讓人失望。而且可能因為我用餐比較早的關係(大概早上七點),所以餐廳內的客人也很少,不會有很擁擠吵雜的感覺。

Breakfast was served at the Kitchen Table, which had a wonderful selection. They had plenty of variety for breakfast, including salad, fruit, bread, yogurt, juice, milk, soup, and a variety of hot dishes. It was one of the largest breakfast buffet I've ever seen. Everything tasted really well too. The restaurant was only about 10% full when I was there (around 7am), so it was not crowded or noisy at all.

餐廳入口 restaurant entrance

座位區 seating

salad and fruit selection

Juice and water

水果 fruit selection

made-to-order hot dishes

味噌湯 miso soup

熱食區 hot dishes

熱食區 hot dishes

熱食區 hot dishes

麥片 cereal

麵包 bread selection

優格 yogurt

通常 W 飯店最容易被垢病的地方就是太「潮」了,反而在設計上忽略實用性,服務也會打折扣。不過這些問題在曼谷的 W 都沒有出現,算是間軟硬體兼具的飯店。下次再來曼谷,W 應該也會是我的首選之一。

Usually W Hotels are criticized by being too trendy, to the point that their design lacks practicality, and their service are also less than satisfying. But I did not experience any of these problems during my stay in Bangkok. It's surely a hotel that had both phenomenal hard and soft products. I'd definitely return when I visit Bangkok next time.

