旅館:台北諾富特華航桃園機場飯店(Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport)
地址:桃園縣大園鄉航站南路1-1號(No.1-1, Hangzhan S. Rd., Dayuan Township, Taoyuan County, Taiwan)
入住房型:訂標準客房(Standard Room),升等行政客房(Executive Room)
網路:免費有線/無線上網 Free internet access
為了當作這次馬爾地夫之旅的起點,我選擇在出發前一天就先入住在機場旁邊的諾富特飯店。飯店距離高鐵站大約只有 15 分鐘的車程,而且還有提供免費接駁車,所以交通算是相當方便。我會建議大家事先跟飯店預定乘車,這樣司機才會知道你要搭乘,如果不小心晚到了一點,也有可能會等你。
走進飯店大廳的時候,真的會讓人有驚艷的感覺。整個大廳相當寬敞,也很有設計感。整體風格感覺相當現代,但又不會像一些設計旅館一樣讓人覺得太過頭。而且也讓人覺得很溫馨舒適,而不像一些飯店只是求大求豪華,但是卻是空蕩蕩沒有「人味」。在大廳角落也向其他諾富特飯店一樣有一個「Mac Corner」,不過在住宿期間,我還沒有看到有人去用過就是了。
So to start my trip to the Maldives, I checked in to the Novotel Hotel right next to Taipei Taoyuan Airport the day before. It was only a short 15 minute shuttle ride away from the THSR Taoyuan Station, and the shuttle service is free. I strongly advise everyone to call the hotel and book the shuttle service in advance, so the driver will be expecting you, and wait for you if you are a little late.
Stepping into the hotel, I was wowed by the lobby. It was spacious and well designed. The decor was certainly on the modern side but didn't go "too much" like some other design hotels. The overall atmosphere also made people feel welcomed and cozy. I especially loved the seating area and the staircase leading to the second floor. There's also a "Mac corner" like other Novotel hotels nowadays, but I've never seen anyone actually use it during my stay.
大廳座位 Seating in the lobby
大廳 lobby
大廳樓梯 staircase
Mac Corner
入住手續也是進行得相當迅速,因為飯店有特別準備一個雅高 Le Club 的專用櫃台,提供給會員辦理手續。因為我是白金會員,所以飯店幫我升等到了行政客房。但在升等之後,我也沒有被帶到貴賓廳去辦理剩下的入住手續,而是當場在櫃台完成。雖然說不是什麼大不了的事情,但就是這些小地方才會讓客人覺得賓至如歸,不是嗎?在完成手續之後,服務人員也沒有像其他五星級旅館一樣,會親自帶房客到房間。但我其實比較喜歡自己進房,所以也就沒什麼好抱怨的了。
Check-in was also really smooth and efficient as they had a dedicated Accor Le Club priority desk. As a platinum member, I was offered an upgrade to an executive room, but I was not led to the executive lounge to complete the rest of the check-in procedures. It's not a big deal; but small touches like these are what makes things more personal, aren't they? I was also shown to my room instead of escorted to my room like most other 5 star hotels. But I actually prefer it this way so I did not complain.
My upgraded room was on the 9th floor, which is on the same floor as the executive lounge called "Premier Lounge," so it was always really easy to grab a drink and enjoy the view of the airport. The elevators requires a key card to go to any of the guest room floors, and I always enjoy that extra security.
seating area in front of the elevators
The first thing that caught my eye as I entered the room was definitely the view. My room had great views of both the runways, so I spent quite a large portion of my stay watching all the planes take off. It was truly an unique experience.
The second thing, I hate to admit it, was the enormous panda that apparently had taken over the lounge chair. Apparently the hotel had some sort of program to help the actual panda bears in China, so they had one placed in all the rooms. But all I cared was that it's taking away the entire chair. So I threw the whole thing on the floor after taking pictures.
機場景觀 view of the airport

房間本身算是偏小,但對於只是想要在機場過夜的旅客來說,應該是相當足夠了。房間其實並沒有一個獨立的工作區,因為書桌是直接擺在床和電視中間的,所以我都沒有使用書桌。但我很喜歡他們在書桌旁邊設了好幾個電源插頭,其他飯店常常不知道為什麼在插頭供應上都非常小氣。而且在書桌旁也有讓房客可以透過 HDMI 或是 VGN 連接電腦和電視的插頭,只是我並沒有使用。
The room itself was on the small side, but quite enough if all you're looking for is a place to spend the night and sleep. There's no separate work area, the desk was right between the bed and the TV, so I never used it. But I do love the fact that they have multiple power outlets there. Most hotels tend to be less generous with electricity for reasons that I never understand. There's also a place to plug your laptop to the TV using HDMI or VGN or other stuff, but I didn't try it.
The bed was very large and comfortable to sleep in. I slept really well that night despite some noise of the planes taking off and landing. Generally that goes away after midnight so it's really not that disturbing. I also liked the design of the wall and the lights.
電視旁邊就是一個相當簡單的 mini bar,也像很多飯店一樣配有 Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機。按照慣例我一樣是完全沒有碰冰箱裡的飲料的,因為所有東西都太貴啦!
Next to the TV is a really small mini bar, equipped with a Nespresso machine which every hotel uses nowadays. As usual, I never touched anything in the refrigerator because it's just too pricy to do so.
Then right next to the entrance was the closet on one side and the bathroom on the other. The closet was just a really standard one with standard amenities. The only thing I want to add about it is the slippers were super comfortable.
The main feature of the bathroom was the "Magic Glass" that separates the bathroom and the bedroom. I'll just let the pictures do the talking.
Besides the "Magic Glass," I really have nothing good to say about this bathroom. First of all, it was really small and didn't feature a separate shower area. Instead the shower was installed with the bathtub. The bathtub, besides being really small, was also not separated from the rest of the bathroom. So every time I shower, I'll cause a mini-flood in the bathroom. This is something the hotel really needed to improve. Actually I can't understand why nobody saw this problem when designing the bathroom in the first place.
備品 bathroom amenities
廁間 toilet
「精英會」Premier Lounge
The executive club "Premier Lounge" offers all day soft drinks, "happy hour" between 6-8 PM, and complimentary breakfast. It is also a great place to lounge and watch the planes. The staffs were all really friendly and attentive, so I always felt comfortable there.
drinks offered all day
免費餅乾 complimentary biscuits
two computers were available for use
免費咖啡和茶 free coffee and tea
view from the Premier Lounge
Breakfast in the lounge was pretty standard. I was actually surprised that they did not offer a separate a la carte menu as most lounges usually do. The buffet selection was really limited. The lounge was also short-staffed during breakfast hours. There was only one staff taking care of all the guests. So all the food were clearing out faster than they could refill them. At one point all the glasses were all taken, so I couldn't even get myself a glass of juice... The hotel should really add a couple of more staffs to the lounge, at least during breakfast hours.
麵包區 bread section
沙拉區 salad section
水果 fruits
熱食區 hot dishes
麥片區 cereal section
I also took a quick peek at the pool on the 2nd floor, it was a really good pool with views of the airport as well. If I had more time in this hotel, I'd definitely try it out.
I checked out at around 3 pm the next day. Executive room guests were allowed to check out in the lounge, so everything went like a breeze and I was on my way to the airport in no time.
Next up: Singapore Airlines business class!