2013年12月20日 星期五

新航新加坡-法蘭克福-紐約豪華套房(Singapore Airlines Suites Class: Singapore-Frankfurt-New York JFK)

新航樟宜機場第三航廈頭等艙專屬迎賓中心與 The Private Room 頭等貴賓室
First Class Check-in and "The Private Room" Lounge, Singapore Changi Airport, Terminal 3

entrance to first class check-in


To get the full "First Class" experience with Singapore Airlines, I didn't go straight to the transfer counters after my flight from Taipei. Instead, I went through immigration and checked-in again at the dedicated first class check-in located at the left end of terminal 3. The facility has its own secluded driveway, and porters helping with luggage at the entrance. From the moment I stepped in the doors, an agent immediately approached me and guided me through all the formalities. I'm not sure if this is the norm with flying first class with SQ or simply because the agent forgot, but my luggage was never weighed throughout the process!

entrance to first class check-in


check-in counter

check-in counters

整個報到處裝潢相當典雅、寬敞。而且我報到時,除了我之外只有另外一組旅客。偌大的空間更讓人覺得私密和尊榮。在完成報到之後,地勤人員還不忘隨著機票附上一張 The Private Room 貴賓室邀請函,並引導我前往頭等艙旅客專屬的通關櫃檯。從頭到尾花費的時間不超過五分鐘。

The check-in lounge was large and very elegantly decorated. At the time there was only one other group checking in, which made me feel very VIP-like and private. After check-in was completed, I was also offered an invitation to use "The Private Room" lounge, and was led to a dedicated immigration counter for first class passengers. I was heading to the lounge just about 5 minutes after stepping in to the airport, which really impressed me.


Terminal 3, Changi Airport

dedicated first class immigration

完成通關後,可以直接搭乘手扶梯前往新航在第三航廈的銀刃貴賓室。而門口的地勤人員在確認我的邀請函之後,就親自帶領我一路穿過商務艙貴賓室、頭等艙貴賓室,來到新航最終極、最獨家的貴賓室:The Private Room。The Private Room 只開放給新航自己的頭等艙和豪華套房旅客進入,而頭等艙貴賓室則是留給搭乘星空聯盟成員航班頭等艙的旅客,或是新航 PPS Club 的高階會員使用。The Private Room 位在頭等艙貴賓室內部,所以要進入 The Private Room,就好像電影裡要進入機密機構一樣,是必須要通過層層關卡的。除了整個銀刃貴賓室的入口外,還要另外通過頭等艙貴賓室和 The Private Room 自己的兩道關卡,才能夠順利進入。

The escalator leading to the SilverKris Lounge is located right after passing through first class immigrations. After the agent at the entrance confirmed my invitation, she personally guided me through the business class lounge and first class lounge to Singapore Airlines' ultimate and most exclusive lounge: The Private Room. The Private Room is only open to Singapore Airlines' own first class and suites class passengers, while the first class lounge is mainly for Star Alliance first class passengers and Singapore's Solitaire PPS club members. Since the Private Room is located inside the first class lounge, entering it is like getting into a classified secret facility. Aside from the main entrance of the SilverKris lounge, I also had to go through counters at the entrance of the first class lounge and the Private Room.

first class lounge entrance

The Private Room 入口
entrance to the Private Room

The Private Room 內部的陳設非常典雅,但還是立刻顯現出了整體裝潢的尊貴感。不僅座椅都非常多,而且都分隔得非常好,不會讓你感受到其他旅客的存在。另外貴賓室內還有獨立的餐廳,也是裝潢得像是高級餐廳一樣。在這邊除了可以取用自助式餐點之外,也有專屬的菜單提供現點現做服務。而菜單內的餐點也都非常高級,像是龍蝦、鵝肝等等都有出現,完全不吝嗇。

一找到位子坐下之後,立刻有服務人員出現,遞上菜單並詢問有沒有想喝什麼飲料。畢竟才剛吃完一頓飛機餐,所以我就只要了一杯氣泡水而已。等到服務員離開之後,就是拍照時間啦!也剛好這時候整個貴賓室裡面只有我一個人,貴賓室頓時化身成為真正的「Private Room」,讓我盡情拍照記錄。除了座位區和餐廳之外,The Private Room 也有獨立的個人電腦、兒童遊樂間、廁所和淋浴間,以及兩間講電話用的獨立包廂。整體空間的寬敞程度,和實際使用的旅客數完全不成比例。

The decor of the Private Room is very elegant and luxurious in a subtle way. Not only does it have plenty of seating, each section was very well divided, so passengers would not feel the presence of others. It also has a dedicated dining area decorated like a true high-end restaurant. Menus are offered aside from the buffet, and everything in the menu looks very luxurious too, such as lobsters and fois gras. SQ is definitely not stingy when it comes to first class dining.

Once I got seated, a waiter immediately appeared, offered me menus and took my drink orders. Since I already had an extensive meal on the plane, I only asked for a glass of sparkling water. At that time I was the only passenger in the lounge, so it as truly a "private" room. So after the waiter left, I started taking pictures around the lounge. Aside from the seating and dining areas, there are also workstations with PCs, children's room, dedicated toilets/shower rooms, and two separate telephone "booths." The space of the lounge was way too large for the number of guests it actually accommodates.

The Private Room

座位區 seating

座位區 seating

座位區 seating

座位區 seating

座位區 seating

工作區 workstations

工作區 workstations

children's room

telephone "booth"

窗外景觀 view

窗外景觀 view

餐廳 dining area

餐廳 dining area

餐廳 dining area

餐廳 dining area

廁所 bathroom

廁所 bathroom


hand towels

shower room

shower room

shower room

shower room

shower room

菜單 menu

菜單 menu

菜單 menu

這次在 The Private Room 裡面待了將近七小時,不只點了兩次餐,中間還有不斷吃一些小點心,還有喝香檳、果汁飲料等等。新航在自家的貴賓室表現確實相當搶眼,不僅食材用料好,口味也都非常完美,每一道菜都是讓人讚不絕口。這樣的轉機經驗,讓人不得不大喊「回不去啦!」。

I spent about 7 hours in the Private Room. Aside from the two meals that I ordered, I also had plenty of food, champagne, and juice in between meals. The food in the lounge really did impress me. All the ingredients were top notch and tasted impeccably. I'm not sure if I can ever go back to the business class section now I've experienced the Private Room.

Perrier 氣泡水
Perrier sparkling water

fresh fruits

沙拉 salad

沙拉 salad

水果盤和香檳 fruit plate and champagne

水果盤 fruit plate

湯 soup


dim sum

beef burger with fois gras

自助餐點 buffet

自助餐點 buffet

自助餐點 buffet

自助餐點 buffet

自助餐點 buffet

自助餐點 buffet

champagne and watermelon juice

龍蝦 lobster

龍蝦 lobster

冰淇淋 ice cream

Singapore Airlines Suites Class: Singapore-Frankfurt

新加坡航空 Singapore Airlines 26(SQ 26)
新加坡 Singapore(SIN)- 法蘭克福 Frankfurt(FRA) 
起飛時間 Depart: 23:55PM
降落時間 Arrive: 06:30AM(+1)
飛行時間 Duration: 13hr35min
機型 Aircraft: Airbus 380-800
座位 Seat: 3A(豪華套房 Suites Class)

這次登機口就在 A4 登機門,距離新航貴賓室只有大概一分鐘路程,所以我也很悠閒地等到登機訊息顯示 Final Call 的時候才離開貴賓室前往登機。在登機程序上也是新航的地面服務小輸其他航空的地方。不論是否是頭等艙旅客,都不會有地勤人員陪同指引;不像是泰航在曼谷會有專人開車一路送到登機門。雖然說這麼一小段路,對我來說真的沒差,但這是新航可以小小精進的地方。

My flight was departing from gate A4, which was literally only a minute away from the lounge, so I waited until they're making the final call before heading to the gate to avoid waiting at security. Boarding (and ground service in general) is where Singapore Airlines falls behind its competitors. First class passengers were not offered any sort of escort to the gate; on the other hand, Thai offers a buggy ride all the way from their lounge to the gate in Bangkok. Even though it was really a short walk and having an escort or not doesn't really made that much difference, this is something SQ could consider adding.

A4 登機門
gate A4

priority boarding line


The thought of being in the dream cabin made me walk slightly faster than usual. I didn't stop after passing through security and went straight to boarding. Suites class has its own dedicated jetbridge, with an agent checking boarding passes at the entrance. As I head down the jetbridge, the steward came out of the plane and greeted me by name. I still had no idea how they knew who I was without looking at my boarding pass! He led me straight to my seat (3A), introduced himself, the in-flight supervisor, and other stewards and stewardesses. Then he took my drink order and confirmed the meals that I pre-ordered through the Book the Cook service. All this is done without a peek to any note of sorts! That was truly incredible and showed why SQ has the best service in the air.

空橋入口 jetbridge entrance

而豪華套房也真的是非常「豪華」。雖然說早就看過無數的部落格介紹,還有上網搜尋的照片,但等到親身進入這個空間,還是不免被它奢華的程度給震懾。以佔用面積來說,一個套房的空間大約是 7~8 個經濟艙座位的大小,由義大利 Poltrona Frau 手工縫製的座位不僅寬敞、舒適,對面也設有同伴的座位,可以提供兩個人一起用餐。而套房的牆也比其他航空公司的套房來得高,關上門、拉上窗簾之後,更像一個完整的私密空間。我自己也非常喜歡整個客艙的設計,大量使用皮革和木頭元素,遠比阿聯酋金光閃閃的設計來得高雅。

The suites are truly luxurious. Even though I've already read countless blog entries and photos online, physically being in that place was still an amazing and overwhelming experience. Size-wise, a suite is about the same space as 7-8 economy seats. The seat itself, hand-stitched by Poltrona Frau in Italy, was very wide and comfortable. There's also a ottoman/companion seat across the suite, so it's possible for two people to dine together. The walls of the suite are also higher than similar products offered by other airlines, so it felt more like a secluded space after the doors were closed and blinds drawn. I also loved the overall design of the suite. The use of leather and wood is much more elegant than Emirates's bling design.

客艙 suites cabin


豪華套房 suite

23-inch screen

座位 seat

座位 seat

電源、USB 插座
power ports and USB ports


row three has three windows (other rows only have two)


雜誌架 magazine storage

seat and IFE control

seat control

客艙 cabin

reading light

Givenchy 毛毯和枕頭
Givenchy blanket and pillow

座位 seat

門 doors

衣櫃 closet

鏡子 mirror

等到我拍照完坐定之後,空服員就馬上送上睡衣、盥洗包、眼罩、菜單,還有香檳。新航的頭等艙不僅提供 Dom Perignon 2003 香檳,還有 Krug Grande Cuvee 可以選擇,這也是比其他航空公司的頭等艙更突出之處。在等待起飛的這段時間,我的香檳杯從頭到尾沒有少於半滿過,幾乎是只要喝個兩三口,立刻就會有空服員來幫忙斟滿!只能說新航服務真的是好到沒話說。

After I finished my excessive picture-taking and returned to my seat, one of the stewardesses came and delivered my pajamas, amenity kit, eye shades, menu, and champagne (my choice of pre-departure beverage). Both Dom Perignon 2003 and Krug are offered in first class, which is also what makes Singapore first class so special. My glass was never less than half-full before take-off. They'd always come and refill the glass after just a sip or two. This just shows how perfect SQ service can be.

pre-departure champagne (Krug)

amenity kit

睡衣 pajamas

Sothys 備品
Sothys products

睡衣 pajamas

eye shades, socks, slippers

菜單 menu

wine list

等到起飛之後,就是期待已久的豪華套房用餐體驗啦。按照慣例,還是要先來一杯香檳,再鋪上桌巾、逐一擺設餐具、拿出一整籃麵包讓人隨意選擇,然後才送上前菜。來到了豪華套房,前菜當然也不簡單,一開始就送上魚子醬搭配煙燻鮭魚、湯品,然後才是主菜。新航主餐的「Book the Cook」服務,從新加坡出發有非常多的選擇,這次事先預選的是牛排,雖然上次搭乘商務艙預選牛排的經驗不佳,但這次表現可圈可點,份量夠、熟度恰到好處,調味也相當不錯。餐後一樣有起司、水果,以及甜點盤,一點都不馬虎。

After take-off, the incredible suites class dining experience began! As usual, a meal had to start with a glass of champagne, then the table was set and bread basket offered before delivering the appetizer. Since it's suites class we're talking about, it's not just any appetizer, but caviar with smoked salmon. It was followed by soup and then the main course. SQ offers an extensive "Book the Cook" selection when flying out of Singapore. For this meal, I ordered the steak. Even though I had an awful experience with their steak last time I flew in business class, this time they redeemed themselves quite well. The steak was cooked perfectly and also had a great portion and flavor. There's, of course, cheese, fruit, and dessert after to end the meal.

hot towel and cashews

Dom Perignon

麵包 bread

前菜 appetizer

caviar and salmon

cream of cauliflower soup

牛排 steak

甜點 dessert


I headed to the restroom to change into my pajamas after my meal. When I cam out, I saw the stewardess standing outside waiting to hang my clothes for me! It was very thoughtful but, I have to admit, slightly creepy...They also very considerately made my bed in another suite, so I actually had two suites all to myself, one for my regular use and one as my bedroom. I guess this was a perk when flying in a nearly empty cabin.

restroom amenities

restroom amenities


新航豪華套房的床是獨立的睡床,不是從座位轉換而來,所以也有獨立的床墊和 Givenchy 的床組。能在飛機上有一整張全平躺的床,實在是空中旅行的極致享受了。也謝謝這張床,我相當安穩地睡了大概四、五個小時。醒來沒多久,立刻有人來詢問是否需要一些宵夜點心。點心的菜單一樣有非常多選擇,但我只有點了一碗烏龍麵,口味也普普通通而已。

Suites class has a separate bed that is not converted from a seat, so it comes with a separate mattress and Givenchy bedding. Having a fully-flat bed was one of the best things in the sky! And thanks to this bed, I slept soundly for about 4-5 hours. Shortly after I woke up, someone came and asked if I wanted anything to eat. SQ also had a good snack selection between meals, but I only ordered a bowl of udon noodles and they were quite mediocre.

床 bed

Evian 礦泉水和耳塞
Evian water and ear plugs

udon noodles


About two hours before touch down, breakfast service began. I ordered the kyo kaiseki meal for breakfast, and it was split into two trays. Everything was exquisitely presented but the taste was nothing special. Yet the fruit plate I ordered from the regular menu was spectacular!

kyo kaiseki appetizer

kyo kaiseki main dish

熱粥 porridge

fruit plate


We prepared for landing shortly after breakfast service ended. After we landed, there was an agent waiting for me and one other suites class passenger, reading to guide us through immigration and to the lounge. She said because Frankfurt airport was too hard to navigate, Singapore Airlines arranged this service for suites class passengers in case anyone got lost. And after our own little "trek," I do agree that Frankfurt airport was hard to go around, so kudos to SQ for this service!

Lufthansa Senator Lounge, Frankfurt Airport

新航的頭等艙乘客,在法蘭克福是使用德航 Lufthansa 的金卡貴賓室,實際體驗的結果覺得非常普通。以一個自家大本營的水準來說,德航只有拿出這樣的水準實在可惜。從貴賓室裝潢、淋浴間到餐點的選擇上,都覺得普普通通。但無論如何,有貴賓室休息就是福氣,也沒有什麼好抱怨的。

Suites class passengers are allowed to use the Lufthansa Senator Lounge, which was nothing to write home about. Since this is their own hub, it's a shame that Lufthansa can only offer something at this level. The design, shower rooms, and food in the lounge were all quite mediocre. But I guess these are all first world problems and we should be thankful whenever there's a lounge available.

lounge entrance




景觀 view

景觀 view

酒吧 bar

餐點 food selection

餐點 food selection

飲料 drinks

shower room

shower room

廁所 toilet

shower room

淋浴間 shower room

Singapore Airlines Suites Class: Frankfurt-New York JFK

新加坡航空 Singapore Airlines 26(SQ 26)
法蘭克福 Frankfurt(FRA)- 紐約 New York(JFK) 
起飛時間 Depart: 08:30AM
降落時間 Arrive: 10:55AM
飛行時間 Duration: 8hr25min
機型 Aircraft: Airbus 380-800
座位 Seat: 3A(豪華套房 Suites Class)

為了早點回到新航套房的懷抱,我大約在起飛前45分鐘就回到登機門等候了。一登機就看到新的組員們帶著微笑對我說「Welcome back」,頓時心情大好!而且雖然換了一組空服員,服務卻沒有任何的間斷。上一組的空服員們會把所有的細節通通交代給新的組員們,所以乘客的所有喜好跟安排,新的空服員都已經瞭若指掌。這也是新航非常讓人感動的小細節之一。

Wanting to return to my suite quite anxiously, I returned to the gate at about 45 minutes before departure. I was in a perfect mood again when a new set of crew said "welcome back" to me as I boarded again. Even though this was a new set of crew, there was no gap between the services. The previous crew would leave details of all connecting passengers, including all our preferences, so the new crew could start their work seamlessly. This is another great part of SQ's service.

boarding gate

seat map

boarding sequence


As I returned to my suite, another now familiar routine started again: champagne, pajamas, blanket, amenity kit, and eye shades were delivered again. What made me start giggling like a child again was when the stewardess approached me and asked if I'd like to have one of the two double beds made for me (since there were only two passengers left in suites class). At that point I was ecstatic. Duh! Yes please!

making the double bed


However, before heading to bed, brunch had to be finished. Even though it's called "brunch," it's still quite a big meal. We started with bread and a fruit plate, followed by yogurt and cereal. Then came my pre-ordered lobster thermidor before ending with dessert. I was already way too full before having dessert, but it was just too good to pass so I ended up taking a few more bites than I should.

香檳王 Dom Perignon

水果盤 fruit plate

麵包 bread

優格 yogurt

麥片 cereal

English breakfast tea

lobster thermidor

甜點 dessert

吃飽喝足之後,好像應該要稍微運動一下,所以我決定去逛逛整架飛機,不只可以稍微散散步,也可以好好體驗一下 A380 巨無霸客機的規模。沒想到一位空姐動作更快,一看到我要往後走,立刻自告奮勇要當我的導遊。頓時就從散步變成 A380 專屬參訪行程了!不過有人導覽確實有差,不只可以看到各種客艙,連背後運作的 galley 和其他部份也都參觀到了。

After finishing my meal, I decided it's time for some exercise, so went for a quick stroll in the plane to experience the size of the A380. One of the stewardesses saw I was heading to the back and offered to be my guide! So my post-brunch exercise quickly turned into an exclusive A380 tour. But it is a special experience to have a guided tour of the plane. Not only did I get to see all the different cabins, she also took me to visit the gallies and some other parts of the plane.

back staircase

front staircase

現在「散步」完回到套房內,就準備到我的雙人床去睡覺囉!不過因為想到可以在空中睡雙人床實在是太興奮,一開始還睡不太著呢!一直翻來覆去了大約 20 分鐘才睡著。但能在飛機上睡到雙人床,也真的睡得非常安穩,一醒來大約就是降落前兩小時,準備要吃最後一頓飛機餐了。因為是降落前的便餐,份量就比較少,只有湯、主菜、甜點三道。一路吃到這裡,其實已經飽到完全吃不下了,所以每道都只有淺嘗幾口,覺得非常對不起辛苦的空服員啊!

After the quick "walk," it was time to sleep in my double bed! I actually got too excited about having a double bed in the sky and couldn't sleep for quite a while. I only fell asleep about 20 minutes later. Although having a double bed in a plane was truly a great experience and I had a great sleep. I woke up two hours before landing, ready to have my last meal. Since it's only a pre-landing light meal, it was much smaller than the other meals, with "only" three courses. At this point I was already too full to eat anything, so I just tasted each course while feeling incredibly sorry to waste all the food and the hard work of the stewards and stewardesses have put into preparing the meal.

double bed

Having two screens at the same time

湯 soup

湯 soup

雞肉主菜 main course (chicken)

甜點 dessert

咖啡 coffee


I felt incredibly depressed after the meal because this dream journey had come to an end. I just didn't want to leave the cabin and was seriously considering living there for good. Sadly every journey has an end, we landed at JFK shortly after, and after bidding farewell to all the crew, I stepped out of the plane and the perfect suites class experience ended.

單程從新加坡經法蘭克福到紐約的豪華套房,如果從新航官網兌換,總共是 93,500 哩,另外再加上大約 400 元美金的稅金和燃油附加費。以這次的夢幻體驗來說,我覺得每一哩、每一分錢都非常值得啊!而且相對於動輒上萬美金的天價票價來說,以哩程兌換真的非常划算。唯一的苦惱就是搭完新航豪華套房,只怕以後搭什麼都覺得比不上啊!

If redeemed via the Singapore Airlines website, a one way flight from Singapore to New York through Frankfurt in suites class costs 93,500 miles and about 400 USD in taxes and fees. After this dream experience, I really felt it was well worth every mile and every penny I spent. And compared to spending 10,000+ USD on the same ticket, redeeming through miles was a great bargain. The only downside was that after this incredible journey in SQ suites class, nothing would ever be as good as this one!

