2013年5月18日 星期六

馬爾地夫安納塔拉克哈瓦島(Anantara Kihavah Maldives)迎賓服務與機場貴賓室 Arrival Service and Airport Lounge

Let’s just start with the weather in the Maldives is HOT. So I was really grateful that a hotel representative was there to meet me immediately after my arrival, she escorted me through all the formalities with the sea plane transfer rather quickly and drove me to the lounge in the sea plane terminal with a private van (air conditioned!).

首先真的要說馬爾地夫實在是、太、熱、啦!所以當我一踏進入境大廳,看到 Anantara 的專員在等著我的時候,真的非常感激她的幫忙!飯店的迎賓專員通常都會負責處理行李,還有幫忙旅客辦理所有水上飛機的事宜。負責協助我的專員很快地就都完成了這些手續,然後把我送上一台專用的休旅車(有冷氣!)一路載我到水上飛機的專用航廈。

入境大廳 arrival hall

hotel representative from Anantara

private ride to the sea plane terminal

sea plane terminal

Anantara operates its own lounge in the sea plane terminal. Since I was the first one to arrive, I had the lounge to myself for a while. Initially I thought it was a really nice place to lounge and wait for the sea plane. They had nice beverages and a view of the sea planes, which was really nice. Although after half an hour or so the lounge began to fill up, and eventually it was packed. The staffs became rather busy so the service became not so great. When I entered the lounge, one of the staffs promised to return with the time of my sea plane departure, but I never heard back from him. I ended up waiting for 1.5 hrs+ for my flight. There was really nothing to do in the lounge so eventually I got really bored. Not exactly the best way to start my stay!


貴賓室座位 lounge seating

廁所 bathroom

淋浴間 shower room

陽台 balcony

陽台景觀 view from the balcony

After what felt like a century in the lounge, the lounge staff took all of us to the plane and we were ready to go. Sea plane ride itself was only OK. I know it’s all about the view and everything but it was REALLY hot in the plane (as the plane offered no air conditioning but was packed that day) and I was just too tired to enjoy the view.


終於抵達! We arrived!

飯店派的快艇 boat from the hotel

After we landed, a boat from the hotel picked up all the passengers and whisked us to the arrival jetty. Cold towels were offered during the short ride. Once we arrived, the staffs greeted all the arriving guests at the arrival jetty (including the GM, Lionel). An arrival photo was taken, and I was quickly escorted directly to my beach villa. Since all the check in procedures were all taken care of in the lounge, I was left alone to rest just after a quick introduction of the villa and a welcome drink.

在我們降落在飯店外圍海域之後,飯店就立刻派了一艘船來,把所有的旅客一起載到迎賓碼頭去。在船上還有提供給所有人冰毛巾擦汗。一抵達的時候,就看到碼頭上都已經是工作人員(也包括飯店的總經理 Lionel)列隊好準備迎接大家了。一開始每個人的專屬管家會幫大家拍一張照,然後管家就會開著 buggy 帶每個人到自己的 villa 去。因為所有入住手續都已經在機場貴賓室完成,所以一旦到了 villa ,管家就只有簡單介紹一下房間、提供了迎賓飲料之後,就離開讓我先休息了。


on my way to the beach villa

