2014年1月27日 星期一

PointsHound 訂房贈送額外一千哩(PointsHound 1000 Mile Booking Bonus)

訂房網站 PointsHound 為了慶祝新增哩程兌換夥伴,目前正在進行促銷。只要在 1/31 前預訂飯店(需要連續三晚以上才行),就可以獲得額外的一千哩,而且可以自由選擇自己想要的哩程計劃。我自己會比較推薦兌換美國航空(AA),全美航空(US),或是阿拉斯加航空(AS)的哩程。用 AA 哩程可以兌換寰宇一家(OneWorld)的免費機票,US 哩程則可以兌換星空聯盟免費機票(3/31前,4/01起改為寰宇一家)。阿拉斯加航空則可以兌換到比較特別的航空公司機票,像是只要十萬哩,就可以兌換北美到亞洲的單程阿聯酋(Emirates)頭等艙

The hotel booking website PointsHoud is running a promotion to celebrate adding new partners to its program. Any booking for 3 nights or more booked before January 31 will receive an extra 1000 mile bonus, and you are free to choose which program you'd like to use. I'd recommend choosing either American Airlines (AA), US Airways (US), or Alaska Airlines (AS) miles. You can redeem OneWorld award tickets with AA miles, and Star Alliance tickets with US miles (before March 31, they switch to OneWorld on April 1). Alaska has some more unique airline partners. For example, you can redeem a one-way ticket from the U.S. to Asia in Emirates First Class for just 100,000 miles.

關於 PointsHound 這個訂房網站,之前就已經寫過簡單的介紹。這次的促銷雖然不算特別大方,但是如果剛好有訂房需求的話,這額外的點數也是不賺白不賺的。

If you're not familiar with PointsHound, I have a brief introduction here. Although this promotion isn't especially generous, it's still an easy way to earn some extra miles if you already have travel plans in mind.

